African Adventure Tours is licensed by The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Trade and Industry Minister Business license No. 565/99.

Ethiopia's geographical position partly on the Ethiopian Highland Plateau, partly on the lowlands results in a great variety of different landscapes and biotopes. Most of the country lies on the fertile tableland, between 2000 m and 4500 m altitude, which offers a mild climate and enough rainfalls and is used for agriculture and livestock rearing. The Great African Rift Valley splits the Ethiopian Highland Plateau from north to south, which drops off on all sides to hot and dry lowlands. Here you can find dry bush lands and semi-arid vegetation. The Danakil Depression in the north east of the country is one of the hottest places on earth.

The Blue Nile

Ethiopia is often referred to as the water tower of East Africa because of the many rivers that pour off the Ethiopian highland plateau. The Blue Nile, also known as Abbay, originates from Lake Tana. From here it starts its long journey to Khartoum, the Sudanese capital, where it meets the White Nile forming together the Great Nile River, the longest river in Africa.

The Great Rift Valley is a recent, geological phenomenon, not older than 35 million years, which stretches across Africa building a 50-90 km wide and 6000 km long valley. The valley is lined up with blue grey ridges of volcanic basalt towering up to a height up to 4000 meters and goes all the way from Syria to Mozambique. In a few million years a new continental plate, the Somali-plate, will be separated from the African continent.

Blessed with a variety of landscapes as well as abundant bird and wildlife Ethiopia offers astonishing travel opportunities. The land features fall into three main categories, the mountainous, fertile highlands, the lowlands and the Great Rift Valley. While on the highland the climate is moderate, the lowlands are hot and dry. The Rift Valley region, with its occasional hot springs, offers everything from hot to moderate climate. From the peak of Mount Ras Dashen to the depths of the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia is a land of enormous natural beauty.

The Danakil Depression is one of the remotest, lowest and hottest places on earth and home of the Afar people. Here the African, Arabic and Indian continental plates drift apart forming one of the most unique volcanic landscapes on earth. This part of the earth is still unstable, the whole area volcanically active. A journey to the Danakil is an adventure in itself. It is here where the African continent will rip apart in a few million years.